The Order in the Skies
else has to be behind things, somehow guiding
them. And that, one might say, is a kind of
mathematical proof of divinity.
Guy Marchie, American Science Writer
During the night of July 4th in 1054, Chinese
astronomers witnessed an extraordinary event:
a very bright star that suddenly appeared near
the constellation Taurus. It was so bright that
it could easily be seen even in daytime. At
night it was brighter than the moon.
What Chinese astronomers observed was one of
the most interesting and catastrophic astronomic
phenomena in our universe. It was a supernova.
A supernova is a star that is shattered by
an explosion. A huge star destroys itself in
an immense blast and the material of its core
is scattered in every direction. The light produced
during this event is a thousand times brighter
than normal.
gigantic explosions known as supernova cause
matter to move throughout the universe.
The enormous distances between the universe's
stars and galaxies moderate the risk that
such an explosion will affect other bodies. |
Scientists today think that supernovas play
a key role in the formation of the universe.
These explosions are what cause different elements
to be carried to different parts of the universe.
It is supposed that the material ejected by
these explosions subsequently combines to form
a new galaxy or a star somewhere else in the
universe. According to this hypothesis, our
solar system, the sun and its planets including
Earth, are the products of some incredibly ancient
Although supernovas may seem to be ordinary
explosions, they in fact are minutely structured
in their details. In Nature's Destiny Michael
Denton writes:
The distances
between supernovae and indeed between all stars
is critical for other reasons. If the distance
between stars in our galaxy was much less, planetary
orbits would be destabilized. If it was much
more, then the debris thrown out by a supernova
would be so diffusely distributed that planetary
systems like our own would in all probability
never form. If the cosmos is to be a home for
life, then the flickering of the supernovea
must occur at a very precise rate and the average
distance between them, and indeed between all
stars, must be very close to the actual observed
The ratio of supernovas and stars' distances
are just two more of the fine-tuned details
of this miraculous universe. Examining deeper
the universe the arrangement we see is beautiful
both in the organization and design.
Why is There So Much Space?
Let's recap a few points that we made earlier.
The universe following the Big Bang was a nebula
of just hydrogen and helium. Heavier elements
were produced later by means of intentionally-designed
nuclear reactions. Yet the existence of heavier
elements is not a sufficient reason for the
universe to become a suitable place for life.
A much more important issue is how the universe
was formed and ordered.
We shall start by asking how big the universe
We have adorned
the nearest heaven with an adornment,
the stars. (Surat as-Saffat: 6)
The planet Earth is a part of the solar system.
In this system there are nine major planets
with fifty-four satellites, and an uncounted
number of asteroids all revolving around a single
star called "Sun", a middle-sized star compared
with others in the universe. Earth is the third
planet from the sun.
Let us first try to understand the size of
this system. The diameter of the sun is 103
times that of the earth. To visualize this,
the planet Earth has diameter of 12,200 kms.
If we scaled that down to the dimensions of
a glass bead, the sun would be about the size
of soccer ball. But the interesting thing is
the distance between the two. Keeping to the
same scale, the two balls should be 280 meters
apart. Some of the objects representing the
outer planets would have to be set several kilometers
Big though this might seem, the solar system
is a quite miniscule in size compared with the
Milky Way, the galaxy in which it is located.
There are over 250 billion stars in the Milky
Way-some similar to the sun, others bigger,
others smaller. The star nearest to the sun
is Alpha Centauri. If we wanted to add Alpha
Centauri in our model system, it would have
to be located 78,000 kilometers away.
That's too big for almost anyone to grasp,
so let's reduce the scale. We'll assume the
earth to be as big as a dust-particle. That
would make the sun as big as a walnut about
three meters from the earth. On this scale,
Alpha Centauri would have to be located 640
kilometers from the sun.
The Milky Way consists of about 250 billion
stars with similarly mind-boggling distances
between them. The sun is located closer to the
edge of this spiral-shaped galaxy than it is
to the center.
Even the Milky Way is dwarfed by the vast size
of the whole universe. It is just one of many
galaxies-nearly 300 billion of them according
to recent calculations. And the distances between
galaxies are millions of times greater than
that between the sun and Alpha Centauri.
George Greenstein, in The Symbiotic Universe,
comments on this unimaginable vastness:
Had the stars
been somewhat closer, astrophysics would not
have been so very different. The fundamental
physical processes occurring within stars, nebulas,
and the like would have proceeded unchanged.
The appearance of our galaxy as seen from some
far-distant vantage point would have been the
same. About the only difference would have been
the view of the night time sky from the grass
on which I lie, which would have been yet richer
with stars. And oh, yes-one more small change:
There would have been no me to do the viewing…All
that waster space! On the other hand, in this
very waste lies our safety.46
Greenstein also explains the reason for this.
In his view, the huge distances in space makes
it possible for certain physical variables to
be arranged so as to be exactly suitable for
human life. He also notes the importance of
this huge space in allowing Earth to exist while
minimizing the risk of collision with other
In short, the distribution of celestial bodies
in space is exactly what it must be for human
life to exist on our planet. These huge spaces
are the outcome of an intentional design for
a purpose and not a result of coincidence.
Entropy and Order
In order to understand the concept of order
in the universe, we need first to talk about
the Second Law of Thermodynamics, one of the
fundamental universal physical laws.
This law states that, left to themselves, organized
systems will become unstable and less organized
as time advances. This law is also called the
Law of Entropy. In physics, entropy is the amount
of disorder in a system. The transition of a
system from a stable condition into an unstable
condition is the same as an increase in its
entropy. The instability is directly related
to the entropy of that system.
This is commonplace knowledge, many examples
of which we may observe in our daily lives.
If you abandon a car in some exposed place for
a year or even a couple of months, you certainly
wouldn't expect it be in just as good condition
as you left it when you return. You'll probably
notice flat tires, broken windows, corroded
parts in the engine and body, etc. Similarly
if you neglect to straighten up your house for
a few days and you'll immediately see it getting
dustier and more disorganized as time goes by.
This is a kind of entropy; however you can undo
it by cleaning and picking things up and by
taking out the trash.

An abandoned car deteriorates and falls
apart. Everything in the universe is subject
to entropy: the law says that, left to itself,
everything becomes less stable and less
organized with the passage of time. |
The Second Law of Thermodynamics is widely
accepted as valid and binding. Einstein, the
most important scientist of our century, said
that this law was the "first law of all sciences".
The American scientist Jeremy Rifkin comments
in Entropy: A New World View:
The Entropy
Law will preside as the ruling paradigm over
the next period of history. Albert Einstein
said that it is the premier law of all science:
Sir Arthur Eddington referred to it as the supreme
metaphysical law of the entire universe.47
It is important to note that the Law of Entropy
by itself renders many of the claims of materialism
invalid right from the start. For if there is
a definite design and order in the universe,
the law holds that, in the course of time, this
situation will be undone by the universe itself.
There are two conclusions to be reached from
this observation:
1) Left to itself, the universe cannot exist
for eternity. The second law says that without
external intervention of some sort, entropy
will eventually be maximized throughout the
universe causing it to assume a completely homogenous
2) The claim that the order we observe is not
the result of external intervention is also
invalid. Immediately after the Big Bang, the
universe was in precisely such a completely
disorganized state as would exist if entropy
had been maximized. But that has changed as
we can plainly see by looking around. That change
took place in violation of one of nature's fundamental
laws-the Law of Entropy. There is simply no
way to account for this change except to posit
some sort of supernatural creation.

Every galaxy in the universe is proof of
the organized structure that everywhere
exists. These magnificent systems, with
an average of 300 billion stars each, display
an evident balance and harmony. |
An example will perhaps make the second point
clearer. Imagine the universe to be a huge cave
full of a jumble of water, rocks, and dirt.
We leave the cave alone for several billion
years and then come back and take a look at
it. Upon our return we notice that some of the
rocks have gotten smaller, some have disappeared,
the level of dirt is higher, there's more mud,
and so on. Things are more disordered, which
is normal-just as we might expect. If, billions
of years later, you find rocks delicately carved
into statues, you would definitely decide that
this order cannot be explained away by laws
of nature. The only rational explanation is
that "a conscious mind" caused these things
to be.
So the order of this universe is the most overwhelming
proof of the existence of a superior consciousness.
The Nobel prize winner German physicist Max
Planck explains the order in the universe:
At all events,
we should say, in summing up, that, according
to everything taught by the exact sciences about
the immense realm of nature in which our tiny
planet plays an insignificant role, a certain
order prevails - one independent of the human
mind. Yet, in so far as we are able to ascertain
through our senses, this order can be formulated
in terms of purposeful activity. There is evidence
of an intelligent order of the universe.48

"A certain order prevails in our universe.
This order can be formulated in terms of
purposeful activity" |
Paul Davies explains the triumph of this marvelous
equilibrium and harmony over materialism thus:
Everywhere we look in the Universe, from the
far flung galaxies to the deepest recesses of
the atom, we encounter order... Central to the
idea of a very special, orderly Universe is
the concept of information. A highly structured
system, displaying a great deal of organised
activity, needs a lot of information to describe
it. Alternatively, we may say that it contains
much information.
We are therefore presented
with a curious question. If information and
order always has a natural tendency to disappear,
where did all the information that makes the
world such a special place come from originally?
The Universe is like a clock slowly running
down. How did it get wound up in the first place?49
Einstein refers to this order as an unexpected
event, and also says that it should be regarded
as a miracle:
Well, a priori [reasoning
from cause to effect] one should expect that
the world would be rendered lawful [obedient
to law and order] only to the extent that we
[human beings] intervene with our ordering intelligence...
[But instead we find] in the objective world
a high degree of order that we were a priori
in no way authorized to expect. This is the
'miracle' that is strengthened more and more
with the development of our knowledge.50
In short, the order in the universe demands
deep and extensive understanding and knowledge.
It is designed, organized, and preserved by
Allah reveals how the heavens and earth are
preserved by His supreme power in the Qur'an:
Allah keeps a firm hold
on the heavens and earth, preventing them from
vanishing away. And if they vanished no one
could then keep hold of them. Certainly He is
Most Forbearing, Ever -Forgiving. (Surah Fatir:
The divine order in this universe reveals the
weakness of the materialistic belief of a universe
that is a mass of ungoverned matter. This is
revealed in another verse:
If the truth were to
follow their whims and desires, the heavens
and the earth and everyone in them would have
been brought to ruin…(Surat al-Muminun: 71)
The Solar System

ALBERT EINSTEIN: "We find in the objective
world a high degree of order." |
The solar system is one of the most wonderful
examples of this beautiful harmony to be witnessed.
There are nine planets with fifty-four known
satellites and an unknown number of smaller
bodies. The major planets counting outward from
the sun are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter,
Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Earth is
the only one on which life is known to exist.
It is surely the only one on which human beings
can live and survive unaided thanks to abundant
land and water and to a breathable atmosphere.

Isaac Newton, one of the pioneers and founders
of modern physics and astronomy, saw in
the structure of the universe magnificent
evidence of divine creation. |
In the structure of the solar system, we encounter
another beautiful example of equilibrium: the
balance between a planet's centrifugal force
countered by the gravitational attraction of
its primary. (In astronomy, a primary is something
that another body revolves about. Earth's primary
is the sun; the moon's primary is Earth.) Without
this balance, everything in the solar system
would fly off into the chilling depths of outer
space. The balance between these two forces
results in paths (orbits) that the planets and
other bodies follow around their primaries.
If a body moved at too slow a speed, it would
plunge into the primary; if it moved at too
fast a speed, the primary would be unable to
hold onto it, and it would fly off into space.
Instead, every body moves at just the right
speed to keep it in orbit. Moreover, this equilibrium
has to be different for each body because the
distance of planets to the sun differs. So do
their masses. Therefore, they have to have different
orbital speeds not to plunge into the sun or
not to fly off into space.
Materialist astronomy holds that the origin
and survival of the solar system can be explained
by coincidence.
the last three centuries, many of its adherents
have speculated on how this marvelous order
should have come to pass and they have failed
to get anywhere. To a materialist, the equilibrium
and order of the solar system are inexplicable
Astronomers like Kepler and Galileo, among
the first to discover this superlative equilibrium,
acknowledged it as a deliberate design and a
sign of divine intervention in the whole universe.
Isaac Newton, recognized as one of the greatest
scientific minds of all times, once wrote:
This most elegant system
of suns, planets, and comets could arise from
the purpose and sovereignty of an intelligent
and mighty being…He rules them all, not as a
soul but as a sovereign lord of all things,
and because of His sovereignty He is commonly
called "Lord God Almighty."51
The Place of the Earth
Besides this wonderful equilibrium, the place
of earth in the solar system and in the universe
is also another piece of evidence of a perfect
act of creation on Allah's part.
The latest astronomical findings have shown
the importance of the other planets' existence
for Earth. Jupiter's size and position turn
for example out to be critical. Astrophysical
calculations show that, as the biggest planet
in the system, Jupiter supplies stability to
the orbits of Earth and all the other planets.
Jupiter's protective role over the earth is
explained in an article "How special Jupiter
is" by George Wetherill:
Without a
large planet positioned precisely where Jupiter
is, the earth would have been struck a thousand
times more frequently in the past by comets
and meteors and other interplanetary debris.
If it were not for Jupiter, we wouldn't be around
to study the origin of the solar system.52
To put it briefly, the structure of the solar
system was specially designed for mankind to
Let us also consider the place of solar system
in the universe. Our solar system is located
in one of the huge spiral arms of the Milky
Way, closer to the edge than to the center.
What advantage could there be in that? In Nature's
Destiny, Michael Denton explains:
What is so striking is that
the cosmos appears to be not just supremely
fit for our own being and for our biological
adaptations, but also for our understanding...
Because of the position of our solar system
on the edge of the galactic rim, we can gaze
farther into the night to distant galaxies and
gain knowledge of the overall structure of the
cosmos. Were we positioned in the center of
a galaxy, we would never look on the beauty
of a spiral galaxy nor would we have any idea
of the structure of our universe.53
In other words, even Earth's location in the
galaxy is evidence that it was intended for
mankind to live on, no less than are all the
other physics laws of the universe.
It is the plain truth that the universe is
created and arranged by Allah.
The reason that some people cannot understand
this point is their own prejudice. But any objective
mind without prejudice will easily understand
that the universe is created and organized by
Allah for mankind to live in, just as is revealed:
We did not create heaven
and earth and everything in between them to
no purpose. That is the opinion of those who
are disbelivers. Woe to those who are disbelievers,
because of the Fire! (Surah Sad:27)
This deep understanding is revealed in yet
another verse of the Qur'an:
In the creation of the
heavens and the earth, and the alternation of
night and day, there are Signs for people with
intelligence: those who remember Allah, standing,
sitting and lying on their sides, and reflect
on the creation of the heavens and the earth:
'Our Lord, You have not created this for nothing.
Glory to You!" (Surat Al-'Imran: 190-191) |