This web site calls everyone from
every corner of the world, from whatever cultural,
racial, ethnic or social background to realize
the reasons of his creation and think of his duties
to his Creator.
The plan, design, and delicate balance existing
in our bodies and reaching into even the remotest
corners of the incredibly vast universe must surely
have a superior Creator. Man is unable to see
his Creator yet he can nevertheless grasp His
existence, strength, and wisdom by means of his
intellect. From the movements of heavenly bodies
to the orbits of atoms, from the human body to
plants and animals, we witness a perfect design.
This is the magnificent creation of God that can
be observed throughout the entire universe and
need to be thought over in order to comprehend
the beauty and majesty of His creation.
One of the purposes why the Qur'an was revealed
is to summon people to think about creation. When
a person examines his own body or any other living
thing in nature, the world or the whole universe,
in it he sees a great design, art, plan and intelligence.
All this is evidence proving God's being, unit,
and eternal power.