A skull fossil of Australopithecus
bosei species coded as OH-5 |
Creatures, named Australopithecus
by evolutionists, are actually nothing but an
extinct ape species…
Australopithecus means "southern
ape". Falling into different categories,
all Australopithecus species are extinct apes
that resemble the apes of today. Their cranial
capacities are the same, or smaller than the chimpanzees
of our day. There are projecting parts in their
hands and feet which they used to climb trees,
just like today's chimpanzees, and their feet
have grasping abilities to hold on to the branches.
Many characteristics such as the closeness of
the eyes, sharp molar teeth, mandibular structure,
long arms, short legs, are evidence of these creatures
being no different from today's apes.
Evolutionists claim that although
the Australopithecus species have the anatomy
of an ape, they walked upright like humans.
The first Australopithecus
fossil was discovered by evolutionist
palaeontologist Raymond Dart. The first
specimen discovered by Dart was named
the "Taung Child". Dart had suggested
that this fossil, which belonged to a
very young individual, had "human-like"
features. Discoveries that were made in
the following years, however, showed that
the Australopithecus species definitely
had an ape's face.
research done on various Australopithecus specimens
by two world-renowned anatomists from England
and the USA, namely, Lord Solly Zuckerman and
Prof. Charles Oxnard, has shown that these creatures
were not bipedal and had the same sort of movement
as today's apes.
Scientific findings countered the evolutionist
propositions on "Lucy", the most famous
specimen of the Australopithecus species.
The well-known French science journal, Science
et Vie, admitted this fact in its February
1999 issue with the headline "Farewell Lucy"
(Adieu Lucy) and the statement that Australopithecus
could not be considered the ancestor of
man. |
Having studied the bones of
these fossils for a period of 15 years, with funding
from the British government, Lord Zuckerman and
his team of 5 specialists reached the conclusion
– although Zuckerman was an evolutionist himself
– that Australopithecines were only an ordinary
ape species and were definitely not bipedal.48
Correspondingly, Oxnard, who is also an evolutionist,
also likened the skeletal structure of Australopithecus
to that of modern orang-utans.49
The detailed analyses conducted
by the American anthropologist Holly Smith in
1994 on the teeth of Australopithecus indicated
that Australopithecus was an ape species.50
The skull of the Australopithecus
aferensis and that of the modern chimpanzee
are very similar to each other. This similarity
verifies that creatures falling into the
Australopithecus classification are an
ape species that have nothing to do with
Within the same year, Fred
Spoor, Bernard Wood and Frans Zonneveld, all specialists
on anatomy, reached the same conclusion through
a totally different method. This method was based
on the comparative analysis of the semi-circular
canals in the inner ear of humans and apes which
provided for sustaining balance. The inner ear
canals of all Australopithecus specimens analysed
by Spoor, Wood and Zonneveld were the same as
those of modern apes.51
This finding once more showed that the Australopithecus
species is a species similar to modern apes. |
Solly Zuckerman, Beyond The Ivory Tower, New York: Toplinger
Publications, 1970, pp. 75-94. 
49- Charles E. Oxnard, "The Place of
Australopithecines in Human Evolution: Grounds for Doubt",
Nature, Vol 258, p. 389 
50- Holly Smith, American Journal of
Physical Antropology, Vol 94, 1994, pp. 307-325. 
51- Fred Spoor, Bernard Wood, Frans
Zonneveld, "Implication of Early Hominid Labryntine
Morphology for Evolution of Human Bipedal Locomotion",
Nature, Vol 369, 23 June 1994, p. 645-648. 
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