theory of evolution is also unable to account
for the origin of reptiles. The members of this
specific class have appeared distinctly without
undergoing any evolutionary process. The physiological
features of reptiles are widely different from
those of their alleged ancestors, the amphibians.
Evolutionists at one time claimed
that the Seymouria fossil (above) was
a transitional form between amphibians
and reptiles. According to this scenario,
Seymouria was "the primitive ancestor
of reptiles." However, subsequent fossil
discoveries showed that reptiles were
living on Earth some 30 million years
before Seymouria.32
In the light of this, evolutionists had
to relinquish their claims regarding Seymouria.
Dinosaurs, lizards, turtles
and crocodiles… All of these species belong to
the living class called "reptiles".
Some reptiles, such as dinosaurs, are extinct
but some are still alive.
Reptiles have particular features,
such as their bodies being covered by plate-like
structures called "scales". They are
cold-blooded, which means that they cannot generate
their own body heat. That is why they need direct
sunlight to warm up their bodies. They give birth
to their young by laying eggs.
Evolutionists cannot explain
how reptiles came into being. The conventional
evolutionist allegation on this issue is that
reptiles evolved from amphibians. However, there
is not a single scrap of evidence to prove this.
On the contrary, an examination of amphibians
and reptiles demonstrates that there are very
great physiological differences between these
two living groups and that a half-reptile/half-amphibian
has no chances of survival.
There is no difference between the
ancient fossil reptiles and their counterparts
today. The 100 million-year-old sea turtle
on the left is exactly the same as its
modern counterpart.
Accordingly, such a creature
does not exist in the fossil record. Renowned
evolutionist paleontologist, Lewis L. Carroll,
admits this fact in his article titled "The
Problem of the Origin of Reptiles":
Dinosaurs were the greatest land-dwelling
animals that have ever lived. With their
perfectly designed bodies, they lived
on Earth for a long time. According to
a consensus among scientists, they have
become extinct because of a meteor disaster.
This phenomenon was divinely planned so
as to make the Earth fit for mammals and
in particular human beings, which were
created subsequently (according to geological
Unfortunately not a single
specimen of an appropriate reptilian ancestor
is known prior to the appearance of true reptiles.
The absence of such ancestral forms leaves many
problems of the amphibian-reptilian transition
Moreover, there are also insurmountable
boundaries between reptile species such as reptiles,
dinosaurs or lizards. All of these distinct species
arose suddenly and distinctly on the Earth, because
God so created them. This fact is thus stated
in the Qur'an:
God created every animal
from water. Some of them go on their bellies,
some of them on two legs, and some on four. God
creates whatever He wills. God has power over
all things. (Surat an-Nur: 45) |