Irreducible Complexity

In order for a watch
to function, all of its wheels must exist.
Even if there is one missing wheel, the
watch will be useless. This "irreducibly
complex" structure shows that the watch
is a work of perfection made by a designer
of superior skills. |
All claims of Darwinism rest
on the scenario of "gradual development".
The "irreducibly complex" organs unravelled
by 20th century science demolish this scenario
and the entire theory of evolution along with
If you ask an evolutionist:
"How did the marvellous organs of living
things come into being?", he will outline
this scenario: "It is true that the extremely
complex systems of living organisms cannot form
all of a sudden by chance. These systems have
rather developed step by step. First, a single
part of the system emerged by chance. Since this
part was advantageous for the organism, that organism
benefited from natural selection. Then other parts
formed by steps, eventually building the highly
complex system."
The point that renders this
scenario invalid right from the outset is the
characteristic of "irreducible complexity"
in the systems of living things. If a system is
not functional without all of its components being
in place, and if it is useless if even only one
of its components is missing, then that system
cannot be reduced to a simpler form. It either
exists perfectly and functions, or it is useless.
The human eye works by some 40 different
parts functioning together. If one of
these is not present, the eye will serve
no purpose. Each of these 40 parts has
its own individual structure. For instance,
the retinal membrane at the back of the
eye is made up of 11 different layers.
(Right below) One of these layers is the
blood vein network, as seen under a microscope.
(See side picture.) This layer, which
has the most intricate vein network in
the body, meets the oxygen needs of the
retinal cells that interpret light. Each
of the other layers has a distinct function.
Evolutionists are unable to account for
the development of such a complex organ.
On close consideration, we
see that an "irreducibly complex" system
cannot possibly form "step by step"
through coincidences. For no "intermediate
step" would be of any use unless the system
were complete and perfect. A useless intermediate
step, on the other hand, would be eliminated by
natural selection and disappear according to the
reasoning of evolution.
When Darwin put forward his
theory, he had great doubts about this point.
He imagined that the organs of living things could
be reduced to simpler forms, yet he was also afraid
that new developments would destroy his speculation.
This is why he wrote the following lines in his
book The Origin of Species:
If it could be demonstrated
that any complex organ existed, which could not
possibly have been formed by numerous, successive,
slight modifications, my theory would absolutely
break down.19
In his book Darwin's Black Box: The
Biochemical Challenge to Evolution, the
American professor of biochemistry, Michael
Behe, quotes many examples of irreducible
complexity. As Behe makes clear, while
irreducibly complex organs refute Darwinism,
they prove, on the other hand, that life
is "designed" that is, it is created.
Darwin's theory has today been
overthrown just as he feared, because scientific
findings prove that most of the systems in living
organisms are irreducibly complex. Numerous structures
and systems from the human eye to the cell, from
the coagulation process in the blood to the protein,
are of no use with even one of their components
missing. Not surprisingly, no evolutionist can
explain through which "steps" these
organisms have formed.
While irreducible complexity
– in Darwin's words – "absolutely" breaks
down the theory of evolution, it, on the other
hand, absolutely proves creation. Every irreducibly
complex system demonstrates the existence of an
intelligence that has built it. The complexity
in living things proves the existence and the
perfect creation of God, Who created life. As
stated in the Qur'an, "He
is God – the Creator, the Maker, the Giver of
Form. To Him belong the Most Beautiful Names.
Everything in the heavens and earth glorifies
Him. He is the Almighty, the All-Wise." (Surat
al-Hashr: 24) |